In June, Trade Center Management Associates in Washington, D.C. became aware that employee data had been stolen from a TCMA facility. Employee information on the stolen equipment included names, SSN, and in some cases, fingerprints. Among those with data on the device were 284 Maryland residents. The TCMA describes itself as a private sector…
Update: State Farm employee was selling client data
I’ve previously noted that some state logs (like NYS’s) indicated that State Farm had reported some insider wrongdoing. Their notification to Maryland, dated June 24, provides additional details. According to their letter, an employee of a Florida State Farm agent was discovered to be selling lists of customer information to a third party. State Farm…
Insider wrongdoing a low point for High Point University
In late June, High Point University in North Carolina discovered that an employee who had access to personal information of students had misused the credit card information of nine individuals for fraudulent purposes. The university notified the Maryland Attorney General’s Office on July 15 that they were notifying 634 Maryland residents of the breach. The employee…
Verizon Wireless hacked
On August 4, Verizon Wireless notified the Maryland Attorney General’s Office of a security incident. According to their letter, an investigation revealed that sometime between February 8 and May 19, 2010, someone unrelated to Verizon Wireless accessed a system containing some customer information. The types of customer information that the intruder could have accessed included…
Farmers Insurance agent takes 4 mos. to notify policyholders of data theft
Computers stolen from a California agent of Farmers Insurance on March 16 contained sensitive policyholder data, but the policyholders were not notified of theft until the end of July. According to a notification sent by Farmers Insurance to the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, data on the stolen computers for an unspecified number of policyholders included…
Everywhere you look, there are breaches we didn’t know about…
Here are summaries of some other breach reports recently filed with the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. I’ve tried to sort them or organize them somewhat as I am going through them. Some of the incidents affect only a few individuals, while others impact many more. Most of them have never been reported in the…