Monadnock Community Bank reported a breach to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office involving one of their customers, a New Hampshire resident. According to the bank’s notification of September 23, the customer reported six fraudulent transactions on his/her MasterMoney debit card involving Sharaf Travel in Dubai, UAE. When the bank tried to get the funds…
Bill Would Give Cities, Towns and Schools Same e-Banking Security Guarantees as Consumers
Brian Krebs reports: In response to a series of costly online banking heists perpetrated against towns, cities and school districts, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) has introduced legislation that would extend those entities the same protections afforded to consumers who are victims of e-banking fraud. Under “Regulation E” of the Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA) consumers are not…
Two More Courts Close the Doors on Data Breach Plaintiffs
Venkat Balasubramani discusses two recent court decisions that turned data breach plaintiffs away. The first case is the Hannaford case, discussed previously on this blog, but I was surprised to learn that the Providence Health System breach finally was decided: Paul v. Providence Health System-Oregon, (Ore. Ct. App. Oct. 6, 2010): this case involved the…
Breach Notice: The Struggle for Medical Records Security Continues
William Pewen, who was involved in drafting the language in ARRA, has an excellent commentary on Health Affairs Blog: On July 28 the Obama Administration surprised many in the health sector by withdrawing a pending Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) final “breach notification” rulegoverning when consumers must be informed of illicit access or use of…
Ca: Investigation finds veteran’s personal information was mishandled
In response to recent news of a breach involving a veteran’s medical information, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has already completed an investigation and announced findings. From the press release: An investigation has highlighted the serious mishandling of a veteran’s personal information, entrusted to the care of Veterans Affairs Canada, says Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart. …
Cancer researcher fights UNC demotion over data breach (updated)
Gregory Childress reports that a data breach had significant consequences for a researcher. Because I don’t recall ever seeing such consequences before, I think this is pretty newsworthy: A UNC cancer researcher is fighting a demotion and pay cut she received after a security breach in the medical study she directs. Bonnie Yankaskas, a professor in…