The Town of Essex in Massachusetts has posted a notice to its web site that some records of the Essex Youth Commission are “presently unaccounted for.” Based on the Town’s ongoing investigation such documents and computer files are believed to include, but not be limited-to, records relating to the Essex Youth Commission Summer Program and…
MA: Town of Essex Legal Notice About "Potential" Breach Involving Youth Commission Records
The Town of Essex in Massachusetts has posted a notice to its web site that some records of the Essex Youth Commission are “presently unaccounted for.” Based on the Town’s ongoing investigation such documents and computer files are believed to include, but not be limited-to, records relating to the Essex Youth Commission Summer Program and…
Rights Not Violated In Forced Teen Rehab Case
Jeff D. Gorman reports: A teenager’s rights were not violated when his grandmother sent him to rehab for marijuana dependence, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled. F.C.’s grandmother was concerned about the boy’s running away from home, using drugs, skipping school and stealing. She had been the 14-year-old’s guardian since he was 4. She petitioned for…
Malware used in Jason’s Deli showing up elsewhere
As a small follow-up to the Jason’s Deli breach in Tennessee, Jody Callahan of The Commercial Appeal reported that up to 300 customers were affected by the breach. The malware, which had been described as a never seen before variant of an older virus has also now reportedly shown up in Seattle and San Francisco.
CT: Hacker stole $87,000 from Putnam school account
A computer hacker last year stole more than $87,000 from the Putnam Public School department’s payroll account, according to information released Friday by the superintendent of schools. The FBI and Putnam police have been working for more than a year to solve the case. Superintendent of Schools William Hull released information about the investigation in…
UK: Council data leak sparks fraud fears
An investigation has been launched after the personal details of almost 2,000 council workers were leaked in a major security breach. Sensitive data including bank account details, addresses and national insurance numbers of employees and councillors at East Devon District Council were sent to a private email address by a former manager. Councillors have described…