Nine people, all former employees of a national cell phone service provider, have been charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud, access device fraud, and aggravated identity theft for their alleged roles in a $15 million cell phone cloning scheme. The charges, which were unsealed today, were announced by Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney…
NZ: Card security breached in Qtown
Grant Bryant reports: A spate of credit card scams has hit Queenstown. The biggest scam was centred at the Man St parking building, but it was not the only scam to breach cardholder security in the resort this week. People who had used their credit cards for payments were then later phoned by their card…
Ca: Stolen Burnaby hospital laptop contained patients’ private information (updated)
The private information of several patients may have been breached after the theft of a laptop computer from a hospital in Burnaby, B.C. David Plug of the Fraser Health Authority says the laptop contained confidential patient information including the birth dates and test results of patients who visited the Pulmonary Function Lab at Burnaby General…
Cyber Thieves Steal Nearly $1,000,000 from University of Virginia College
Brian Krebs reports: Cyber crooks stole just shy of $1 million from a satellite campus of The University of Virginia last week, has learned. The attackers stole the money from The University of Virginia’s College at Wise, a 4-year public liberal arts college located in the town of Wise in southwestern Virginia. […] According…
HHS web site update reveals another new breach
In its most recent update, HHS added seven reports to its site. Interestingly, we already knew something about six of the incidents via notices on the entities’ web sites or media coverage, which I attribute to HITECH’s new requirements. Entities realize that they have to disclose and are getting the information out more promptly and…
MO: Union pension mailer reveals recepient’s Social Security numbers
Matthew Hathaway reports: A local union pension fund sent mailers that included Social Security numbers of the recipients printed on the outside of the envelopes, according to members of the Carpenters District Council of Greater St. Louis and Vicinity who received the letter. The mailer states that there are more than 24,000 beneficiaries of the…