Jessie Pounds reports: Campbell County Schools inadvertently released “personally identifiable material” as part of a response to a Freedom of Information Act request, Superintendent Robert Johnson said Wednesday. Darryl Whitesell, an attorney and Gladys Elementary School parent, said he received a document that appeared to include school employee names, schools and full Social Security numbers,…
Picante restaurant is victim of credit card scam
Frances Dinkelspiel reports: Picante, the popular Mexican restaurant on 6th Street [in Berkeley, California] , has been the target of an international credit card fraud operation, its owner says today. Thieves from as far away as Russia managed to penetrate the restaurant’s credit card encryption system and steal the numbers of dozens of customers, says…
U.S. airport security officers targeted in ID theft
From Reuters, this follow-up on a breach reported previously: A Massachusetts couple has been charged with stealing the identities of dozens of Transportation Security Administration officers, who screen passengers and baggage at U.S. airports. A federal grand jury accused Michael Derring, 48, and Tina White, 47, on Wednesday of conspiracy and aggravated identity theft, alleging…
Woman sentenced in UCM identity theft case
As a follow-up on a case previously covered on this blog, there was a small story in the Kansas City Star that Amanda J. Drake was sentenced to six months in prison for an identity theft scheme that targeted University of Central Missouri students. Drake’s husband is a former university police officer who was previously…
Mexico Passes Sweeping New Law on Data Protection
Jeremy Mittman writes: On April 27, 2010, a sweeping new law on data protection was passed by the Mexican Senate, clearing the way for the President to sign the landmark legislation, which provides for penalties up to an astounding $1.5 million for violations under the law. The new Federal Law for the Protection of Personal…
Ontario privacy commissioner seeks solution to 'abandoned patient records' problem
Brian Jackson reports: Ontario’s Privacy Commissioner is putting pressure on businesses and doctors to practice better information and records management and stem the leaking of personally identifiable information. In a report released yesterday Ann Cavoukian calls on companies of all sizes to put in place best practices for information management. She also wants a fast…