Under the terms of the settlement, Heartland says it will pay a minimum of $1 million and up to a maximum of $2.4 million to class members who submit valid claims for losses as a result of the intrusion. The payment processor says it will also shell out $1.5 million for the cost of notice…
UPDATE: France agrees to hand back ‘stolen’ Swiss bank data
From the Agence France-Presse: France said Monday it would agree to a Swiss request to hand back data taken from a HSBC bank branch in Geneva that is at the centre of a row between the two countries. France said Monday it would agree to a Swiss request to hand back data taken from a…
(follow-up) HSBC denies ignored pvt bank whistleblower warning
Reuters reports on another aspect of HSBC-French tax mess: the ex-employee’s allegations that he tried to warn the private bank: IT specialist Herve Falciani, an ex-HSBC employee accused of handing data taken in 2006 and 2007 to the French, told Le Figaro he had passed the information to French tax authorities after it was ignored…
Spyware snags Akron Children’s Hospital patient and employee info
The Associated Press reports that Scott Graham of Ohio faces prison time after pleading guilty in federal court to felony charges of intercepting electronic communications by using spyware to spy on a woman’s computer activities. By spying on her, he also accidentally retrieved confidential information from the computer system at Akron Children’s Hospital, where she…
(follow-up) France stands by use of stolen bank data
France’s use of HSBC client data stolen by a former HSBC employer continues to create international tension. France maintains that they have obtained the information legally and can use it, while HSBC and the Swiss government do not see the data as having been legally obtained. Peggy Hollinger reports France said yesterday that it had…
(follow-up) PennDOT computer heist remains unsolved
This breach was reported back in 2006 and covered on PogoWasRight.org at the time. If you were wondering what happened since then, it appears that the incident is still a mystery. Three years after a mysterious heist of computer equipment from a state driver’s license center, police are still unsure why the crooks targeted the…