Walecia Konrad of the New York Times reports: Brandon Sharp, a 37-year-old manager at an oil and gas company in Houston, has never had any real health problems and, luckily, he has never stepped foot in an emergency room. So imagine his surprise a few years ago when he learned he owed thousands of dollars…
UK:Patient records stolen – but patients not told
Nick Spoors of Northampton Chronicle reports: The personal information of up to 100 Northampton NHS patients was lost after a community nurse’s motorbike was stolen – but the patients were never told, it has been revealed. According to NHS Northamptonshire board papers released this week, the GP surgery-based nurse was visiting a home in Park…
AL: Major Credit Card Security Breach, Thousands Affected
A major credit card security breach is affecting thousands of people tonight. We have confirmed several credit card companies are canceling accounts and issuing new credit and check cards. […] NBC 15 News contacted Visa to try to find out where the security breach happened.. A Visa representative told us: For security, the bank does…
OR: OHSU Alerts Patients After Laptop Stolen
Oregon Health & Science University is contacting 1,000 patients after a physician’s laptop was stolen from a car parked at the doctor’s Washington County home. Patient names, treatment dates, short medical treatment summaries and medical record numbers were stored on the computer, said OHSU spokesman Jim Newman in a news release. The computer was password-protected…
IA: Potential Information Breach at Kirkwood Community College
Kirkwood Community College has issued an alert to around 16-hundred people because of a potential data breach. Officials say earlier this month, someone took a storage device from a counselor’s office in Iowa City. That device contained names and social security numbers for participants in the PROMISE JOBS program. Read more on KCRG News. Update:…
Leaked Calgary police document causes worries all around
Stephane Massinon of the Calgary Herald reports: The fact an internal police document that lists FOB Killers gang members was found in a rival gang’s possession drew concern from the province’s top police officer, the privacy commission and gang experts. When police raided a Heritage Pointe house allegedly tied to the FOB gang in December…