The BNY Mellon breach apparently affected patient account info, as well. The incident occurred in April, and letters first went out this month. Eileen Smith of the Courier-Post reports: People who have made payments to the University of Pennsylvania Health System have been notified that tapes containing personal information about their accounts have gone missing….
Nurses posts brain surgery pictures on Facebook
Jessica Salter reports in the Telegraph: Her job at a hospital in Stockholm is now at risk after she put 14 photos from a brain surgery and a back operation to her account on the popular social networking site. One showed the operating assistant holding indeterminate parts of the patient’s body. The chief of neurosurgery…
Medical privacy law fails to stop snooping
Clark Kauffman has an article in the Des Moines Register about medical snooping and HIPAA violations in Iowa that makes for an interesting, if unsurprising, read: When Jill went to her doctor two years ago for an operation on her uterus, she didn’t expect that details of her problem would later appear in the hometown…
Documents Loaded with Personal Information Found in Atlanta Dumpster
Chris Shaw reports: Thousands of documents loaded with social security numbers and other personal information were thrown out Friday, left in dumpsters that anyone could get to. […] The documents listed dates of birth, addresses and even medical records in almost every file. No one was at the law office Friday afternoon where the case…
UK: Data stolen from derelict hospital
AFP reports that: NHS Lanarkshire said £850,789 had been spent on security at Law Hospital near Carluke in Lanarkshire since it closed in 2001. The board launched an investigation last month after X-rays and other paperwork were found at the site.
AU: E-health privacy blueprint – robust legislation is needed says Privacy Commissioner
The Australian Privacy Commissioner, Karen Curtis, has called for legislation for the proposed national Individual Electronic Health Records (IEHR) system. “The National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA) has identified some valuable privacy considerations for the proposed IEHR system,” said Ms Curtis. “The suggestion that individuals should be able to opt-in to an IEHR system is welcome,…