has been reporting on TheDarkOverlord (TDO) since they first burst on the scene in June, 2016. Since then, this site has reported on numerous attacks by them on health care entities, financial and business entities, a Hollywood post-production studio, and a defense contractor. Now they have begun to target the education sector, and an official at the…
Tag: TheDarkOverlord
Auburn Eye Care Associates: Can you see it NOW?
Earlier today, TheDarkOverlord revealed another hack involving patient data: Auburn Eye Care Associates of Auburn, CA. We’ve stolen many thousands of patient records from their EHR system. — thedarkoverlord (@tdo_hackers) September 26, 2017 Auburn Eye Care Associates of Auburn, CA. We’ve stolen many thousands of patient records from their EHR system. Although TheDarkOverlord…
MA: SMART Physical Therapy hacked by TheDarkOverlord
SMART (“Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Therapy”) Physical Therapy has two locations in Massachusetts: one in Malden and one in Reading. But it doesn’t matter which one patients may have been treated at, as data from all of their patients was recently hacked by TheDarkOverlord. And not surprisingly, the attackers tried to extort the clinic. Having…
Did a media blackout on reporting on TheDarkOverlord allow them to mushroom in the dark?
By the end of 2016, a number of journalists and/or their employers had made an ethical decision not to report on hacks and in-progress extortion attempts by TheDarkOverlord. But did the lack of coverage enable the criminals to expand their operations without any public attention or public pressure on law enforcement to pursue them aggressively? …
TheDarkOverlord v2.0: now with threats of physical violence?
You may have never heard of Flathead Valley in Montana. I’ll admit that I had never heard of it until tonight when I received a tip to go look at a post on their sheriff’s Facebook page. And that’s when I learned that Flathead County schools had not only been hacked and threatened if they didn’t…
Another victim of TheDarkOverlord comes forward
On September 1, I reported that a breach disclosure by Hand Rehabilitation Specialists to the Vermont Attorney General’s Office was actually an incident that had involved TheDarkOverlord, a hacker or hacking collective who have been targeting the healthcare sector since last March or April. That notification did not name TheDarkOverlord as attackers. Nor did it…