The following is an automated translation of an article that is in Italian. Thanks to @Cyber_War_News for making me aware of it:
They wanted to violate the computer systems of the Ministry of Defense, major institutional sites and national infrastructure. Two hackers have been arrested as part of the ” Unmask “, coordinated by prosecutors in Rome and executed by agents of the Police Post and Communications National Anti-Crime Computer Centre for Critical Infrastructure Protection. The latest target had been the computer systems of Expo 2015 . The State Police is performing searches and Turin , Livorno , Sondrio and Pisa towards the organization of hackers responsible for the attacks.
The two arrested were placed at home , while another person, 36 years of Turin, has been denounced “for criminal conspiracy aimed at damaging computer, unlawful interruption of computer communications and computer systems, unauthorized access to IT systems, and – explain to the police – detention and diffusion of access codes to computer systems. ” Two other people (27 and 31, from Livorno) were denounced for aiding and abetting .
The nickname of the two arrested were known even outside the circle of “hacktivists”: it is ” Otherwise “(27 years of Sondrio) and” Aken” (31 years old, from Livorno). They already have a long career of cyber attacks, the investigators explain, to sites of overriding public interest: the Constitutional Court, the Council Presidency, Ministries of Interior, Justice, Health, Economic Development, prosecutor’s office and court of Turin ( No TAV campaign), the State Police, the Carabinieri, the regions of Veneto, Calabria, Piedmont, Equitalia, Eni and Enel; but also of lesser importance, such as the police unions and Coisp SIULP and the prison service and Sappi Osapp.
Original article: Expo e Ministero Difesa, hacker arrestati: volevano violare i sistemi informatici