Seven young women from Chicago, the south suburbs and downstate have been arrested for their alleged roles in a massive identity theft ring that claimed hundreds of victims from across the country. […] The year-long identity theft scam saw the those involved charging more than $300,000 in more than 500 transactions involving jewelry, furniture, household…
Category: Subcontractor
ID theft ring exploited medical records to get credit cards
The Associated Press reports on an ID theft ring in Chicago that targeted medical records to obtain information with which they could get credit cards: Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart says the ring charged more than $300,000 to the credit accounts of 245 victims. Dart says one suspect worked for a janitorial service that cleaned…
State Agency ID Theft May Affect 11,000
The following news report on a breach involving a Connecticut state agency seems to be equating theft of PII with identity theft, a problem we’ve seen all too many times, although there may be cases of ID theft associated with this breach. On Monday, Office of Policy Management Secretary Robert Genuario announced that as many…
‘Customer data from Vodafone, Unitymedia was stolen – report’
Customer data of Vodafone Germany and German cable network operator Unitymedia have been sold on the black market by dubious call centres, according to German magazine Capital citing from the investigation files of the state prosecutor’s office in Bonn. The stolen data concerns several thousands of customers. State prosecutor Fred Apostel confirmed that several telecom…
More info on the Brown University incident report
The Brown University breach, which I had just included in another blog entry this morning, now has some additional details available. Julia Kim of The Brown Daily Herald reports that Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island accidentally sent paper records of more than 500 Brown employees and their family members to another subscriber company…
Six newly revealed breaches on HHS site
It seems that using the new HHS/OCR web site will be even more difficult than I anticipated, as they are sorting breach reports by the date of breach, not date that the incident was added to their site, so I have to review the entire list to see what’s been added instead of just looking…