The personal data of up to 300 former students of Liverpool Community College was discovered on the internet. The information, which included names, dates of birth and student IDs, was discovered during the course of an ongoing ECHO investigation. It followed accusations the college’s IT department claimed funding for entire courses which did not run…
Category: Exposure
Thomas Cook info blowing in the wind
Staff at a Dundee travel agent have been told to tighten up their procedures for handling confidential documents after a sheet of paper containing sensitive information was found in a city centre street (writes Maura Bowman). A concerned passer-by handed the document in to the Evening Telegraph as he feared it could fall into the…
Personal info of hundreds dumped as trash in Parker
When residents of a Parker [Colorado] apartment complex first called FOX 31, they were concerned about three boxes of files in a dumpster there that appeared to contain sensitive, personal information. We checked and found out that it was worse than anyone thought. The files were real estate documents that contained credit checks, bank account…
Too much personal data released
Personal information of almost 900 people was given to a public-housing resident [in Virginia] who requested a list of those who had been banned from Hampton Redevelopment and Housing Authority property. Hampton police and the housing authority maintain a list of people who have been banned by police from Section 8 and public-housing property in…
Box of personal information found in Executive Inn Rivermont
With Owensboro’s Executive Inn Rivermont about to be demolished, it has been open for the past month for people to walk through as the city tries to sell the contents. But the Messenger-Inquirer reports a group of women looking at items for sale stumbled on a box that contained employee records, including Social Security numbers…
Details of 10,000 MS workers among stolen data
Last week, this site reported on a story from Times Online about the new Lucid Intelligence database of identity details that had been found up for sale by cybercriminals. The database consists of 120 million records on 40 million people worldwide, compiled by identity theft expert Colin Holder and others. Users can conduct a free…